Having gone through teething 3 times with my children it amazed me how different they all were when it came to how much it annoyed them. Florence by eldest just seemed to take teething in her stride, Theo needed a little more help to ease the pain and then my youngest Rory is just coming out the end of it, he has his last 4 to go.
I tried sooo many different products to help them and at the time when Florence was small, I wasn’t a fan of giving her paracetamol if I could find something more natural to help her. For her it was teething powder that helped but she also just LOVED to chew so while my husband was at sea and I was doing my usual pushing the buggy around the supermarket for fun while passing the time thing, I discovered Bickiepegs teething biscuits, AMAZING! They were the perfect size for her little hands, they tasted good to (apparently) and she was able to chew on them for hours which helped break down her gums so that her teeth could come through. From then on whenever my babies were teething, I reached for the Bickiepegs teething biscuits. Bickiepegs have been around since 1925 and so they definitely know their stuff.
When Theo was small, getting him to brush his teeth was a mission in itself, still is really but we are getting there. I then found out that Bickiepegs also do a massaging toothbrush that I could put on my finger and use to brush his teeth. This made it a fun and exciting game at bath time and helped me to know that he now at least had clean teeth.
Bickiepegs recently sent me some of their other products, such as Peggie the penguin sensory teether. I put it up on my page the other day and it got such a lovely response. It is such a great size with a really useful clip so that it doesn’t get lost when you are out and about and it is not only really lovely to look at and feel but it is also good for oral development of gums, teeth, jaw and tongue control. What’s not to love.

Thank you Bikiepegs for being there for my family.